Freeing Yourself from the Power of Anxiety
Freeing Yourself from the Power of Anxiety
Kierkegaard, a Danish theologian and philosopher, once said, “The most painful state of being is remembering the future.” That sounds like an accurate description of anxiety, doesn’t it?
The intensity of our thoughts, body sensations, and emotions often suck us into a story that runs away with us and spirals out of control. We are often pressing ahead into the future or resisting what’s already here, which often puts us out of sync emotionally with what is currently happening. For many of us, this leads to overwhelm and anxiety.
Many of us don’t realize, or forget, that stress is a flowing set of mental and physical experience. It is not permanent and does not define who we are.
What if you could be aware of your experience without getting caught in it?
One way to do this is to try meeting anxiety with curiosity. Ask yourself some questions like…
What is this experience of stress?
How does it feel in my body? Where do I feel it the most? And the least?
What causes it? What results from it?
Can I feel this AND be okay?
Another way to avoid being caught in the story of your current experience is to invite yourself to NOTICE your thoughts and feelings rather than JUDGE them. For example, compare these two statements: “I notice I have a feeling (or thought) of anxiety.” versus “I am anxious.”
In the first statement there is a separation of the anxiety from yourself, and it can be observed. A thought or feeling can be controlled. It can be internalized or rejected as untrue. You have choice.
In the second statement, there is the implication that the anxiety is part of who you are– “I AM anxious.” This identification makes it much more difficult to challenge or to recognize fully that you have a choice to change.
In summary, recognizing that your thoughts and feelings are not YOU is key to finding ways to help yourself handle the anxiety you feel in a healthy way. May your increased awareness bring you further understanding, self-compassion, and increased emotional freedom.
Reach out to Kristine Proctor at 386-473-1062 or send her a message now.
Find yourself, and be that.
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
EMDR Certified Therapist
112 W. New York Avenue, Suite 205
DeLand, FL 32720