Psychotherapy and Counseling Services St. Joseph Michigan

St. Joseph, Michigan Counseling Services: Traditionally, mental health therapists have provided counseling services in an office setting where the individual would meet with the therapist for a face-to-face counseling session. However, telehealth services and online video counseling sessions have become increasingly popular due to the advances in technology which has made it possible to “meet” via technology on platforms such as Zoom and other confidential, HIPPA compliant platforms.

As part of the mental health counseling services offered, Kristine offers online therapy via a specifically designed video platform with security in mind. This means you can feel “safe” in having a private and confidential counseling session with your therapist from anywhere you are.

Kristine is a licensed therapist and able to provide counseling services in both Michigan and Florida. While her main office is located in DeLand, Florida, her secondary office is located in St. Joseph, Michigan in which she offers online therapy counseling services.

Some counseling services which Kristine provides counseling for are:

Anxiety Counseling – St. Joseph, Michigan: Anxiety is one of the most common reasons people seek out mental health counseling. Anxiety can be caused by a number of things such as stress at work, school, or home, traumatic events, financial distress, illness, uncertainty of fears of a situation or things like a pandemic, relationship issues, and many types of feelings and situations one might be experiencing.

Regardless, of the cause, anxiety is treatable. There are many counseling styles and therapeutic approaches. Therapy can include talk therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, or experiential therapies, such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) or the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

Depression Counseling, St Joseph, Michigan: Depression can be short-term (situational) or long-term and is often characterized by general feelings of persistent sadness or a loss in interest in activities which affect one’s day to day living. Symptoms can include negative thinking which impairs day to day living, extreme sadness, feelings of fatigue, feelings of hopelessness, decreased levels of energy and other emotions which have been affected by changes in the brain.

Other symptoms can include loss of appetite, disturbances in sleep, difficulty concentrating, feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and in more extreme cases thoughts of death or suicide. Counseling for depression can help alleviate symptoms and provide one with additional skills and techniques which aid in an ability to cope with the illness. People who might be experiencing depression, or are unsure can contact a mental health therapist who can assist in helping you determine the most beneficial types of therapy, since every person is unique and will be affected by things differently.

Grief, Loss, Bereavement Counseling, St. Joseph, Michigan: If you have ever lost a loved one, or lost your job, or your home, or have been stricken with serious illness, you have likely experienced grief. Grief can sometimes be accompanied by depression, guilt and many other emotions. Many people might associate grief with loss due to death, however, there are many other stressful events which can cause grief, such as, loss of a relationship, being fired from your job, rape/sexual abuse, child abuse, or domestic abuse. Grief comes in many forms and is experience differently by the individual. Most of the time many of the feelings one has while experiencing grief will subside, however, there are times when finding a counselor to speak to can be helpful. If you are having feelings of grief which don’t seem to have subsided that have lasted longer than a month, then it might be an indication of prolonged symptoms which a mental health therapist can help you with.

EMDR Counseling for Trauma including PTSD  and Abuse Survivor Issues, St. Joseph, Michigan: When people are traumatized, their emotional resources are overwhelmed and they lose a sense of control over their lives. This can result in a number of symptoms including depression, anxiety, panic disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, behavior problems, irritability, guilt or anger. We typically think of trauma in terms of larger events such as accidents, abuse, death or natural disasters. But individuals can be traumatized by common childhood events such as school issues, divorce and family problems, as well.

LGBTQ Counseling, St. Joseph, Michigan: While an individual’s romantic or sexual orientation or gender identity may not always be a direct source of distress, people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, asexual or any other gender identity or orientation may experience stress or anxiety or other issues from the social stigmas of being discriminated against and living as a minority. Wherever you might be on this continuum, Kristine’s expertise in working with clients in the LGBTQ community is extensive.

Having the support of a therapist that you can feel comfortable with and supported by is essential to your healing. That is why Kristine offers a free 15-minute phone consultation in order to give you the opportunity to talk with her before beginning your work together.

You can find more information about Kristine’s fees by clicking here .

Click here to make an appointment.


If you are in crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a free, 24-hour hotline at 1.800.273.8255. If your issue is an emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. Kristine Proctor, MSW, LCSW, LLC does not offer crisis counseling or emergency services.

Click here for information regarding your right to a Good Faith Estimate.

This website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional mental health or medical treatment. The act of using this website or sending or receiving information over it DOES NOT establish a client relationship between you and any therapist within this practice.

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Kristine Proctor, LCSW


112 W. New York Ave. 

Suite 205

DeLand, FL 32720

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