Counseling Services for Coping with Serious Illness

Coping with a diagnosis of a serious, chronic illness can be extremely daunting. Knowing that it is normal to experience a range of emotions and that you can learn to cope with what you are experiencing, can bring hope back to your day-to-day life.

Expect an emotional rollercoaster. You may be accepting one day and angry the next. Know that feelings like guilt and shame are common reactions, particularly in a diagnosis such as diabetes. You may experience fear and grief as a reaction to the losses associated with your diagnosis. Common emotions when grieving are denial, bargaining, anger, depression and acceptance. Learning to identify, acknowledge and express your feelings will help you to cope with your illness and give you a sense of control in a potentially overwhelming situation.

Find ways to actively fight back. This may include making a list of questions for your physician, nutritional additions or changes, or lifestyle changes that support a less stressful daily experience.

Utilize your support system. Finding support in your friends and family through sharing your thoughts and emotions can be a helpful coping strategy. As humans, we need connection and when we are distressed, having close contact with those who we know care deeply can minimize our stress. Choose to be as open as possible with your support system and communicate to them what you need and don’t need. Pets can be a great comfort, as well.

Consider counseling. While your diagnosis may be medical with a focus on physical symptoms, your mental health needs tending, as well. The emotional rollercoaster can bring many emotions, such as exhaustion, depression, anxiety and anger. Individual counseling with a licensed clinical social worker, marriage and family therapist or mental health counselor who understands grief, loss and bereavement and the trauma that an individual and their family experience from serious medical diagnoses can help you develop healthy coping strategies and support you in your journey. Many also find it helpful to become part of a therapeutic group of those dealing with similar challenges, feeling like their experience can be understood by those in the group in a way others can not share.

As a licensed clinical social worker and therapist for over 25 years, Kristine specializes in the areas of grief and loss and trauma. If you or someone you care about could benefit from some support through your journey of serious illness, reach out to Kristine by calling 321-280-9120. She offers a free 15-minute consultation before you begin work together.

Kristine is a licensed therapist with private practice in DeLand, Florida and St. Joseph, Michigan the option of online counseling is available to anyone who lives in the states of Michigan and Florida.

Online therapy is not the best option for everyone. Some issues are best addressed face-to-face. Reach out to discover whether face-to-face or online is the best fit for you and your journey.

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This website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional mental health or medical treatment. The act of using this website or sending or receiving information over it DOES NOT establish a client relationship between you and any therapist within this practice.

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Kristine Proctor, LCSW


112 W. New York Ave. 

Suite 205

DeLand, FL 32720

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