Online Therapy

Online therapy takes place through a live, video connection using the internet. You get the same treatment and support you would in person, at your convenience. You can access it from anywhere, using whatever device you wish as long as you have a solid internet connection. The software is encrypted so it is completely private and HIPAA compliant and is as easy to use as FaceTime or Skype.

My online account for video conferencing will be provided to you upon appointment confirmation. After the site has loaded you will be prompted to enter your name to inform me that you are ready and available for our meeting.

Being able to communicate through a live video conversation enables you to talk from anywhere you can find a private space, such as your office, home or back yard. It reduces travel time to and from appointments, making it a convenient option accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Additionally, E-Counseling allows you to maintain necessary social distancing as it is important, and will continue to be, as our country and world are striving to understand and meet the challenges of the novel coronavirus COVID-19.

Because the session is held using video format, most of the nonverbal aspects of communication are still present. Speaking with a counselor online has been proven to be as effective as meeting in person.

As a licensed therapist with private practice in DeLand, Florida and St. Joseph, Michigan the option of online counseling is available to anyone who lives in the states of Michigan and Florida.

Online counseling is not the best option for everyone. Some issues are best addressed face-to-face. Reach out to discover if this is the best fit for you and your journey. 

EMDR Online Therapy

Can I do EMDR therapy virtually?

Yes, as a certified EMDR therapist Kristine offers EMDR therapy online. The all-in-one platform includes a secure video connection, along with flexible visual and auditory bilateral stimulation customized by your therapist to your specific therapeutic needs. The program works seamlessly with whatever device you prefer to use including phone, tablet, computer or tv.

How is EMDR online different than in-person?

EMDR online is conducted through a website designed to enable client and therapist to talk via confidential video. The process is essentially the same as in-person except the actual bilateral stimulation is seen as a shape moving back and forth on your screen and is controlled by your therapist. Bilateral music can also be utilized as part of the therapeutic process.

Can EMDR therapy be done without a trained EMDR therapist?

No. EMDR therapy is a mental health intervention and only properly trained, licensed mental health clinicians should provide it. Your EMDR therapist should have received specialized training through an EMDRIA (the EMDR International Association) approved educational provider. Additionally, “EMDRIA does not condone or support indiscriminate uses of EMDR therapy such as “do-it-yourself” virtual therapy.”* Processing intense trauma should be done with a qualified, licensed therapist.

Do I need special software for virtual therapy participation?

Typically, you are able to log in to a customized website created specifically for therapeutic use. Some of those sites require a client specific login and if they do, that information will be provided to you by your therapist prior to your session.

You can access your online counseling site from anywhere, using whatever device you wish as long as you have a solid internet connection. Legally, the software is required to be encrypted so it is HIPAA compliant and entirely confidential.

What are the benefits of online EMDR Therapy?

Kristine’s EMDR online therapy incorporates the use of a special HIPAA compliant electronic platform which provides assistance to the counselor in providing treatment as one would receive during in-person EMDR counseling therapy. This platform is specifically designed for doing EMDR therapy remotely and provides your counselor with the same types of data obtainable during an in-person treatment. All one needs is a private space without distractions to be able to communicate with the therapist via the online platform. Additionally, online EMDR counseling allows for safe social distancing as an option for those needing additional precaution in meeting the challenges of the worldwide pandemic COVID battle.

Are there disadvantages to online counseling?

Speaking with a counselor online has been proven to be as effective as meeting in person for most issues.

Learning to communicate online can be challenging for some but this is usually a short-term challenge. Because the session is held using video format, most of the nonverbal aspects of communication are still present, although experienced less fully than meeting in-person. If you have used any type of video chat such as FaceTime, GoogleDuo, WhatsApp or Zoom you have the skills you need for online counseling.

Computer challenges can be an issue, as can consistent internet connectivity. Both of these can be addressed prior to your online session by insuring you are familiar with use of your device and have a strong internet connection in a private place.

Can anyone do virtual counseling?

Online counseling works well for most people. However, it isn’t the best option for everyone or every mental health need. Some issues are best addressed face-to-face. Kristine offers a free 15-minute consultation to discuss your therapeutic needs and goals and to answer any questions you might have. Please complete the Contact form on the right and reach out to discover if this is the best fit for you and your journey.

How do I schedule an online counseling appointment?

To make an appointment, click on the link below or call Kristine Proctor directly at 386-473-1062. I look forward to speaking with you.

Click here to make an appointment.



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This website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional mental health or medical treatment. The act of using this website or sending or receiving information over it DOES NOT establish a client relationship between you and any therapist within this practice.

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Kristine Proctor, LCSW


112 W. New York Ave. 

Suite 205

DeLand, FL 32720

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